Board of Trustees March 10, 2022
West Blount Fire & EMS District
The Board of Trustees for West Blount Fire and Emergency Medical Services District met at Fire Station No. 1 on March 10, 2022, the meeting began at 7:05 PM led by Greg Reid, Chair. All Trustees were present plus JJ Ivey, Chief, Melissa Thomas, Treasurer, and Diane Cox and Lisa Morgan, Billing Managers.
The minutes of the February 10, 2022, meeting were accepted on motion by Marty Stover, seconded by Annette Cox.
Financial report – The operating balance for February 2022 was $419,497.85. Total receipts were $83,136.97, including dues of $82,301.70. Total expenses were $29,342.89, including payroll of $14,165.18 and repair and maintenance of $12,063.47. The report was accepted on motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Marty Stover..
Chief’s Report
Total calls for February were 117, including 9 out-of-area (2 – Mt. High / Ricetown; 0 – Bangor; 3 – Locust Fork / Dallas/Selfville; 3 – Nectar / Cleveland; and 1 – Cullman County): 74 medical, 4 structure fire, 7 auto accident, 6 fire alarm, 0 vehicle fire, 11 public service, 9 wild fire, 5 fire other, 1 tree down. Breakdown by station = Sta. 1 Hayden, 58; Sta. 2 Smoke Rise, 53; Sta. 3 Sugar Creek, 2; Sta. 4 Nyota, 4.
Also reported:
All engines passed the pump test
A grant for $10,300 was applied for through the state, we were one of the first to apply, it closes on 3/27 and we should know by the first of April
The Explorer that we received through the sheriff’s department has transmission problems that are not repairable; it will cost $3500 to have it refurbished through Jasper Engines in Alabaster. A motion was made by Marty Stover, seconded by Annette Cox, to have the work performed on the Explorer. Motion passed.
The Chief’s report was accepted on motion by Marty Stover, seconded by Annette Cox.
Old Business
Budget – At the recent Commission Meeting the cost of fuel was discussed. So far since October 1, 2021 to February 26, 2022, the fire departments have used 63% of the fuel budget for this year. There could be a possibility that we may have to start paying for the fuel that we use. JJ Ivey mentioned that he is putting in practice fuel efficiency driving for all fire fighters to help with the cost of fuel. Allen Armstrong had mentioned that there was a discussion with the commissioners of taking some of the $5 million Federal money, or funds out of the general fund. Taking effect Sunday, March 13, engines will only be used on fire calls. Ralph Mitchell will add cars in addition to trucks for insurance reimbursement.
The budget numbers will be reworked for raises and equipment for approval next meeting. A motion was made by Marty Stover, seconded by Annette Cox, to approve the budget on a month-to-month basis until the end of the year. Motion passed.
West Blount Fire Board – March 10, 2022 Page 2
Billing Update – There are no CLA’s (conditional lien agreements) on file, all have been cleared as of the end of 2021. The attorneys have a total of 242 accounts, seven paid in full. A check for $1,549.36 from MSN (Massey, Stotser, & Nicholas) was received for February collections, making a total of $3,954.04 collected in 2022, and $111,132.17 since first turned over to MSN. There were two new accounts added in February. There were 17 exemptions approved, and one denied in February. Fire dues received in February was $81,903.86 ($5,602.50 Credit/Debit card and $197.85 fees), plus $150 assessment fees, and other income of $789.91 insurance reimbursement and $49.99 fees collected from MSN, totaling $83,091.61 [income from February 2021 was $86,469.46]. Total collected for 2022 is $221,100.94. There are 2198 accounts in the system with a balance totaling $565,840.20 at the end of February, which includes all outstanding dues from the beginning. (518 accounts paid in February.) So far this year, there is 42% participation.
New Board Member – Mark Giddy was welcomed to the board, he will fill the unexpired term of Billy Giddy, which expires on November 30, 2023. A letter was read from Chairman Chris Green announcing the appointment.
Personnel Committee – The following were appointed to review applications for the position of Billing Manager: Marty Stover, Annette Cox, and JJ Ivey. Diane Cox will compose a job description for the position. It will be advertised on the fire department’s Facebook page.
Announcements – The next Board meeting will be Thursday, April 14, 2022, 7:00 PM at Fire Station No. 1.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 on motion by Annette Cox
Annette Cox
Dolores Fort
Mark Giddy
Greg Reid
Marty Stover
JJ Ivey
Melissa Thomas
Diane Cox
Lisa Morgan
There were no guests
Dolores Fort