Board of Trustees March 14, 2024
The Board of Trustees for West Blount Fire and Emergency Medical Services District met at Fire Station No. 1 on March 14, 2024, the meeting was opened at 6:00 PM by Marty Stover, Chair, with prayer by Danny Smith. Jamie Huffstutler joined the meeting by phone, so all trustees were present, plus Zac Williams for Chief Ivey, Melissa Thomas, Treasurer, and Stacy Quinn, Billing Manager.
The minutes of the February 8, 2024, meeting were accepted on motion by Mark Giddy, seconded by Danny Smith.
Financial report – The operating balance for February 2024 was $337,982.25. Total income was $90,910.29, with dues of $85,164.23. Total expenses were $48,550.02 with payroll of $31,889.64, repair and maintenance of $5,402.79. Upcoming known large expenses include insurance of $5,686.75. All insurance policies have seen an increase.
The financial report was accepted on motion by Mark Giddy, seconded by Danny Smith.
Chief’s Report – Total calls for February were 120, including 17 out-of-area (5 – Mt. High/Ricetown; 8 – Bangor; 1 – Locust Fort/Dallas/Selfville; 2 – Nectar/Cleveland; 1- Warrior): 62 medical, 1 structure fire, 12 auto accident, 4 fire alarm, 6 vehicle fire, 15 public service, 17 wild fire, 3 fire other, 0 tree down. Breakdown by station = Sta. 1 Hayden, 58; Sta. 2 Smoke Rise, 54; Sta. 3 Sugar Creek, 3; Sta. 4, Nyota, 5.
The following was also reported:
New lights in the Day Room
Barn out back – finished metal, J channel around doors, new exterior doors ($550 from Summer Town Metals), ordered electrical supplies ($100), other electrical supplies have been donated, will need about $200 to finish, Scott Grant, Precision Graphics, donated the side door
Waiting on news about Grant applied for last month
1991 is still in the shop in Cullman, Red Line Diesel, waiting on parts from Ford (Mark Nunn saved us about $1,500 with his friend at Ford
1992 had new front brakes at cost of $500, brakes bought at Napa, JJ Ivey did the repair
1952 had to have rear brakes replaced for $2,500
New (to us) Service Truck (Ambulance) needs lettering; Precision Graphics quoted $1,000; the F150 also needs lettering – Danny Smith made a motion, seconded by Mark Giddy to proceed with the lettering. Motion passed.
Have received 7 volunteer applications
The Chief’s report was accepted on motion by Danny Smith, seconded by Mark Giddy.
Old Business
Billing Update – The attorneys at the end of February had a total of 263 accounts totaling $161,830.41 for collection, with 1 account paid in full. There was a check received from MSN
(Massey, Stotser, & Nicholas) in the amount of $1,236.58 for February collections with totals of $2,679.42 collected in 2024, and $220,842.97, since first turned over to MSN. There were 4 new accounts and 1 reactivated account added. There were 22 applications for exemptions approved by the board at the February meeting, for a total of 47 equaling $7,050 exemption
West Blount Fire Board – March 14, 2024 Page 2
adjustment, plus 1 denied. Fire dues received in February was $69,181.23 in checks or cash, $16,357 Credit/Debit card plus $50 assessment fees, $6,331 33 other. Total collected for February was $91,919.50 [income from February 2023 was $100,607.78]. Total collected for the year was $264,551.46 [income from 2023 was $222,780.54].
There were 3,581 accounts invoiced with 7 new accounts added and 6 accounts reactivated.
There are 1,599 accounts paid in full. At the end of February there are 45% of accounts paid in full, compared to 38% in 2023.
The last remaining homeowners that were exempt last year are being contacted to remind them of the March 31st deadline.
A Policy and Procedures Manual is being formulated to be kept in the office for current and future employees.
Third Party Billing – no update
Blount Springs – A new main has been installed at the bottom of the entrance road to the Village along Hwy 31. The next step will be testing the water pressure. There were 17 meters that were bad, they are slowly being replaced.
Budget – The proposed budget for 2024 was presented in the amount of $531,000. Mark Giddy made a motion, seconded by Danny Smith, to accept the proposed. Motion carried.
New Business
Computer/printer purchase – Marty Stover has been using his company’s computer and printer for his work as chair of this board. He requested that laptop and printer be purchased for the use of the chair. Mark Giddy made a motion, seconded by Danny Smith, to purchase the needed laptop and printer. Motion passed.
End-of-Year Dinner – After discussion, it was decided to keep the dinner at Hayden Methodist Family Life Center, but to have the catering done by Dowdle Gas and Pub in Warrior.
After the election in November, our district will have a new representative in Washington, Robert Aderholt. For this year both Aderholt and Gary Palmer will be invited. Gary Palmer has been very supportive from the beginning of our District. He has not missed very many of our annual dinners.
Round-abouts – A question was raised about how the round-abouts currently in progress by the interstate will affect the ability of our department to serve our community. We need to be proactive in this situation for the safety of the members of our service area. We will continue to keep this in the front and discuss as needed.
The next Board meeting will be Thursday, April 11, 2024, 6:00 PM at Fire Station No. 1.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:10 PM on motion by Mark Giddy.
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Present Not Present
Dolores Fort JJ Ivey (conflict)
Mark Giddy
Jamie Huffstutler (by phone)
Danny Smith
Marty Stover
Zac Williams
Melissa Thomas
Stacy Quinn
Dolores Fort