Board of Trustees August 8, 2019
West Blount Fire & EMS District
The Board of Trustees for West Blount Fire and Emergency Medical Services District met at Fire Station No. 1 on August 8, 2019, and was called to order at 7:05 PM by Greg Reid, chair. All five Trustees were present plus JJ Ivey, Chief, Melissa Thomas, Treasurer, Diane Cox & Lisa Morgan, Billing Managers. Opening prayer was led by Billy Giddy.
The minutes of the July 11, 2019 meeting were accepted on motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Marty Stover.
Financial report – The operating balance for July was $446,004.94. Total receipts were $49,955.33, including dues of $29,579.15, and sale of engine for $20,000.00. Total expenses were $44,788.07, including payroll of $24,578.39, and concrete driveway at Station 1 for $12,026.63.
Upcoming large expenses include for September Annual Hose Testing of $2,730, and two insurance premiums for November of $1,876.25 and $3,047.00.
The Financial Report was accepted on motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Marty Stover.
Chief’s Report
Total calls for July were 110 (including 8 out-of-area – Mt. High/Ricetown 1, Nectar 2, Bangor 4, Cullman County (on interstate) 1): 63 medical, 10 auto accidents, 0 911, 2 structure fires, 1 vehicle fire, 6 investigative, 10 assist, 2 wild fires, 5 fire alarms, 2 haz-mat, 3 tree down, 0 wire down and 6 public service.
The deal from Florida on the ladder truck fell through, they backed off their offer. A new offer has been received from an individual for $2,500. We will make a counter offer of $2,750, and hold off finalizing until October.
The tanker at Station 4 has an issue with the tank, to repair it will cost $8,000, we could sell it for $5,000. Brindley Mtn. has an ’88 tanker starting at $10,000, it has been fully serviced, has 30,000 miles on it. We sell the 1954 tanker for $5,000, if that goes through, offer Brindley Mtn. up to $9,000 for their tanker. A motion to that effect was made by Annette Cox, seconded by Marty Stover.
A check in the amount of $1,111.49 has been received from Forestry.
EMA has given the department a light tower. This will be a definite benefit during the Christmas Parade.
The boat and motor currently in inventory will be sold for $1,000, and another boat will be purchased from Marty Stover for $1,200. The boat will be used, if necessary, for incidents in the river or Mountain Woods Lake. On motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Billy Giddy, the old boat will be sold and the new boat purchased.
The Chief’s report was accepted on motion by Marty Stover, seconded by Billy Giddy.
Fire District Board of Trustees – August 8, 2019 page 2
Old Business
Billing Update – At the end of July there were 48 total CLA’s (conditional lien agreements) on file, 1 was paid in full, 2 were added, and 3 were sent to MSN for non-payment. The attorneys have a total of 238 accounts, 16 with payment plans, 102 accounts have had liens, and 2 liens have been released. Received from MSN (Massey, Stotser, & Nicholas) two checks June’s check received in July for $2,715.96, and early receipt of August check for $4,290.69, making a total collected through them of $36,297.14. Ten new accounts were added in July, and one account has a vacancy. Two exemptions were approved in July making total exemptions approved 111, and 6 denied, with 2 pending for approval at this meeting. Fire dues received for July 2019 was $29,894.15, which was an increase of $179.54 over 2018. One hundred fourteen certified letters were sent out in July for anyone owing more than one year. There are 893 accounts in the system totaling $299,729.94, which includes all outstanding dues from the beginning, of which 136 are on payment plan. There were 107 accounts paid off or were cleared up in July. There are 3,631 total accounts in the system.
July 4th Community Event – The 600 ice cream cups cost the department $149.70.
New Business
The Christmas Parade will be Tuesday, December 3, starting at 7:00 PM.
On motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Marty Stover, the year-end celebration dinner will be Friday, December 6. Phil’s Grill will cater the same as last year. Dolores Fort will contact Mark Lancaster to reserve Hayden UMC’s Family Life Center.
The next meeting will be September 12, 2019, 7:00 PM at Fire Station 1.
The meeting was adjourned on motion by Dolores Fort at 8:00 PM.
Annette Cox
Dolores Fort
Billy Giddy
Greg Reid
Marty Stover
JJ Ivey
Melissa Thomas
Diane Cox
Lisa Morgan
There were three guests present
Submitted by Dolores Fort