2020-06-11 Minutes

Board of Trustees                                June 11, 2020
West Blount Fire & EMS District
The Board of Trustees for West Blount Fire and Emergency Medical Services District met at Fire Station No. 1 on June 11, 2020, the meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by Greg Reid, Chair, with prayer led by Billy Giddy.  Five Trustees were present plus Clay Jones, Assistant Fire Chief, Diane Cox and Lisa Morgan, Billing Managers.      

The minutes of the May 14, 2020 meeting were accepted on motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Billy Giddy.

Financial report – The operating balance for May was $422,439.50.  Total receipts were $32,563.27, including dues of $30,008.21.  Total expenses were $41,756.92, including payroll of $23,350.97 and maintenance of $6,581.51.  Upcoming known large expenses due August 6 are insurance premiums of $3,166.50 and $1,220.50.   

The Financial Report was accepted on motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Billy Giddy.

Chief’s Report

Total calls for May were 98 (plus 9 out-of-area calls:  5 Mt. High/Ricetown; 1 Bangor; 3 Nectar/Cleveland): 67 medical, 1 structure fire, 6 auto accidents, 7 fire alarms, 0 vehicle fire, 13 public service, 0 wild fire, 1 fire other, 3 911 hang-up.  Breakdown by fire station:  Sta. 1 – 37; Sta. 2, Smoke Rise – 43; Sta. 3, Sugar Creek 10; Sta. 4, Nyota – 8.  

Other items reported include:
    The Explorer from BCSO has been totally retrofitted and is ready for service
    On motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Billy Giddy, the old Explorer will be given to Bangor
    Renovations for Station 3, Sugar Creek, are nearing completion
    New floors for Station 1 upstairs have been completed
    Billed for two structure fires
    Several radios were damaged on one of the fires, $1200 is needed for replacement
    Work on Deans Ferry bridge will begin July 13 and is expected to be completed in 8 months; getting to Sta. 4 will not require going through Warrior
    There is no estimated time for work on County Road 7, which now makes Sta. 2 the closest, in travel time, to the Blount Springs area

The Chief’s report was accepted on motion by Annette Cox, seconded by Marty Stover.

Old Business

Billing Update – At the end of May there were 24 total CLA’s (conditional lien agreements) on file, 2 were paid in full with no new accounts added.  The attorneys have a total of 238 accounts, 10 with payment plans, 224 accounts have liens (of which 10 have payment plans), and 4 being worked on.  We received a check from MSN (Massey, Stotser, & Nicholas) for $8,081.73 in May, making total collected from MSN since 2018 of $58,471.88.  There were 26 new exemptions approved, making total exemptions for the year of 115, and 2 exemptions denied, totaling 5 for the year.  Fire dues received was $29,753.21, plus $225 assessment fees, and  $2500 other, totaling $32,508.21 (2019 total at the same time was $23,907.44).  [Total collected

Fire District Board of Trustees – June 11, 2020                        page 2

for 2020 is $405,123.01 compared to $443,028.34 at the same time last year.]  There are 1117 accounts in the system with a balance totaling $362,759.28, which includes all outstanding dues from the beginning. There are 3,678 total accounts in the system.  So far this year there has been 70% participation for payment of fire dues.

The cover for the lock box in the front of the building has been installed, all mail is staying dry.    

Business hours will remain 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Monday through Friday through July.

The mailbox will be moved from its current location into the parking area for easier access and safety.

Station 3 Repair Update – The bathroom is complete and new interior metal walls have been installed.  The outside of the building will be totally redone.  The cost of this project has an overrun of $925, making a total cost of $12,925.

Station 1 improvement – New floors have been installed upstairs for a total cost of $5,280.

A motion was made by Annette Cox, seconded by Billy Giddy, to approve the above expenditures.  Motion passed.

Paving at Station 1 – As soon as the weather cooperates, paving from the concrete apron to the road will be completed.

New Business

July 4th Community Celebration – Because of the current COVID-19 situation, the celebration has been cancelled.

Radios – Five radios damaged by rain during service for a structure fire need to be replaced.  One radio usually costs $600, but there is an opportunity to get five refurbished ones for a total of $1,200.  A motion was made by Annette Cox, seconded by Marty Stover, to purchase the five refurbished radios for $1,200.  Motion passed.


The next meeting will be July 9, 2020, 7:00 PM at Fire Station 1.

The meeting was adjourned on motion by Annette Cox at 7:30 PM.

Present            Not Present                    
Annette Cox            Melissa Thomas (sick)    
Dolores Fort            
Billy Giddy    
Greg Reid            2 guests signed attendance        
Marty Stover
Clay Jones
Diane Cox                        Submitted by
Lisa Morgan                        Dolores Fort, Secretary